Frequently Asked Questions
- Where is the best place to find answers to my questions?
- Is there a minimum I must purchase?
- What if I can't find a product in the brochure?
- When do I turn in my order? Where?
- Can I add or remove items from my order after I have sent it to Avon and received a confirmation number?
- Can I enter part of an order, NOT SEND IT, and come back later and finish the order?
- I just received my order and there are products missing, what should I do?
- How many campaigns can I back order?
- How do I do a refund for a customer?
- What if a customer can not pay for their order?
- When can you begin appointing Avon and mark Representatives?
- Do mark Representatives have to be 18 years old?
- Can a mark Representative become an AVON Representative?
- Can an AVON Representative become a mark Representative?
- Can someone be both an AVON Representative and a mark Representative at the same time?
- When a Representative sells AVON and mark, do her mark sales count towards her earnings level and President’s Club Recognition?
Where is the best place to find answers to my questions?
Besides here, you can find answers to almost any of your questions in the help pages at by clicking here. If you have not registered yet it is highly recommended that you do so. Another good resource is the Troubleshooting section of your Success by Design. If you can't find an answer there try calling your upline Leader or the District Office.
Is there a minimum I must purchase?
No. Avon has no minimum purchase requirements.
What if I can't find a product in the brochure?
All products not found in the current brochure can be found in the back of the Product Number Guide along with their product numbers and prices. If a product is not listed there and is not in the brochure, it is a product that Avon has discontinued.
When do I turn in my order? Where?
You can locate your due dates on the mail plan that you received in your appointment kit, or, you can always call your upline or the district office if you are unsure about either the date or the location!
Can I add or remove items from my order after I have sent it to Avon and received a confirmation number?
No. Once the order has been sent it will be into billing status. To add an item, you may place an Additional Order.
Can I enter part of an order, NOT SEND IT, and come back later and finish the order?
Yes, has a "Save for Later" Order feature. You can return as often as you like to view your order, add and delte items prior to submitting your order.
I just received my order and there are products missing, what should I do?
First, check at the top of Page 2 of your invoice to make sure the products are not listed there as back ordered (if they are listed there, you do not need to do anything, Avon will automatically ship them when available - you will not be billed for these products until they are shipped) or sold out (in which case, you will no longer be able to get those products). If they are not listed there, check your invoice to see if you were charged for the missing product. If you were, you can call Avon and tell them you were charged and they will ship them to you immediately at their expense. If you were not charged, you can simply back order the product the next campaign.
How many campaigns can I back order?
You can back order one campaign over the phone or two campaigns online. Simply change the campaign number on the right side of the order line to the appropriate campaign.
How do I do a refund for a customer?
Click on the E-Z Returns option in and follow the step-by-step instructions provided.
What if a customer can not pay for their order?
Occassionally this will happen and that's OK. You do not have to pay for that order either. Just follow the above directions and do a credit on those products.
When can you begin appointing Avon and mark Representatives?
The Leadership qualification process begins the first time you choose "Leadership Bonus" as your recruiting reward for an Avon or mark recruit on the new Representative's contract. This can occur as soon as you have begun your career as an Avon or mark Representative - by using your Upline Representative's Avon or mark Appointment Kits with your new recruits, until you are eligible to order your own each campaign.
Do mark Representatives have to be 18 years old?
16 and 17 year olds may be appointed with parental or legal guardian consent. They indicate their consent by signing the co-applicant section of the appointment contract. In NY, NJ and WI, working papers are also required and need to accompany the contract. They can be obtained at local High Schools or Department of Labor.
Can a mark Representative become an AVON Representative?
As our younger mark Representatives age (and as their Customers age), they may eventually find the AVON opportunity is more lucrative and compelling. For mark Representatives to transfer to AVON, they would need to redeem any mark points, prizes and process any returns/credits and close their mark accounts before doing so. An AVON Appointment would need to be conducted in order to be educated on the AVON experience. They need to be trained on the AVON Brochure, submitting orders via a mail plan, the variable earnings structure, etc. They also need brochures and all the other business tools any new AVON Representative needs. Therefore, you would use an AVON appointment kit and the mark Representative would pay the $10 fee. However, if mark Representative’s account was activated online and Representative paid $20 fee for enhanced kit, then he/she would not pay an additional $10 fee when converted to an AVON Representative. Notify your branch, which will manually transfer the mark account number and LOA, because we feel that would be important to the Representative. Other than the above-mentioned exceptions, the mark Representative starts with a clean slate - just like any new AVON Representative.
Can an AVON Representative become a mark Representative?
Any AVON Representative who chooses to become a mark Representative may do so. For AVON Representatives to transfer to mark, they would need to pay their bills, redeem any PC points, prizes, process any returns/credits and close their AVON accounts before doing so. A mark appointment would need to be conducted in order to be educated on the mark experience. They need to be trained on the mark magalog,, ordering without a mail plan and the earnings structure, etc. Therefore, you would use a mark appointment kit and the AVON Representative would pay the $10 fee. Notify your branch, which will manually transfer the AVON account number and LOA, because we feel that would be important to the Representative. Other than the above-mentioned exceptions, the AVON Representative starts with a clean slate - just like any new mark Representative. The AVON Representative loses her sales history because the rewards and recognition program with mark is different. There are no "cycle-to-date sales," for example. She loses any PC status, Leadership, Beauty Advisor & eRep status, LABC account and any other previously held AVON titles.
Can someone be both an AVON Representative and a mark Representative at the same time?
No one is permitted to maintain two separate accounts. AVON Representatives are entitled to sell mark; however, should an existing AVON Representative want to become a mark-only Representative, she has to close her AVON account and be appointed as a mark Representative.
When a Representative sells AVON and mark, do her mark sales count towards her earnings level and President’s Club Recognition?
Yes. AVON Representatives earn at the same levels with mark as they do with any other line of AVON products, so they count towards order size credit and Rewards and Recognition programs.